There’s no right or wrong answer
I believe when it comes to design, there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to a problem.
Try every idea that comes to mind
You never really know how silly an idea really is until you see it on paper, and I believe they all deserve a chance.
Experimentation prevents stagnation
Being willing to try new things and push myself out of my comfort-zone keeps design exciting and unpredictable.
Embrace the new and the unfamiliar
Always be on the lookout for new apps and technologies that could enhance your abilities as a designer.
Immerse yourself and dive into the process
Take each part one step at a time, and don’t move on until you’re ready to move forward to the next step.
Don’t get overly attached to an idea
If the first idea you come up with seems solid, save it and keep trying new ones. Don’t finish before you start!
Taking breaks is important
Letting a project sit for a day and coming back to it when you’re stuck helps you notice what you might’ve missed.
Always listen to feedback
Whether it’s coming from designers or not, they might be offering insight into something you may have overlooked.
Everything is part of the composition
Every element of a design is important: especially what isn’t there. Negative space is as important as graphics and text are.
Remember that design is fun
Not every project is equally enjoyable, but if you don’t love your work, I believe it can show in your design.